Swap your council or housing association home
Start an application to swap homes with another council or housing association tenant, also known as a mutual exchange.
Large panel system (LPS) block information
Read our LPS block information for mutual exchange applicants.
Who can apply
A mutual exchange is when council or housing association tenants swap homes.
You can apply if:
- you have a secure tenancy agreement, not including introductory tenancies
- the properties being swapped meet everybody's needs
- you're up to date with paying your rent
If you are downsizing under mutual exchange you can also apply for transfer incentive.
You can check you're up to date with your rent on our housing customer online system.
You can find more information about swapping homes in our Mutual Exchange leaflet (PDF 88KB)
Find someone to swap with
You can visit the Exchange Locata website or another exchange service to list your current house and search for one you want to swap for.
When you've found someone to swap with, one of you can start an application as the lead tenant.
How to apply
Only one council tenant in Brighton & Hove should apply as the lead tenant when swapping homes.
If you're the lead tenant, you can apply online