Apply to move to a different council property
You can apply to move to a different council property if the one you're living in isn't suitable for your household
Who can apply
If you're a council or housing association tenant living in Brighton & Hove, you can apply to move to another council or housing association property. This is called transferring.
You can apply for a transfer if:
- your current home is too big or too small for your family
- you or someone living with you has a medical condition made worse by your current housing
- you need seniors housing
- you need to move to give or receive care
If you want to move to smaller property because you have one or more bedrooms you no longer need, you should apply for our Transfer Incentive Scheme.
How to apply
You can apply for a transfer as part of the application to join the housing register.
If you're already on the housing register and need to tell us your circumstances have changed, you can log in to the homemove applicant portal.
If you need help with your application, phone us on 01273 294 400 and choose option 1.