You’re not alone
Are you a young person or know a young person looking to break the boredom, connect with other teens or discuss more serious issues with someone?
Active for Life
Active for Life is a project run by Brighton & Hove City Council to support people in the city to lead active lifestyles.
For more information on the Active for Life Project, send an email to or phone 01273 294 589 to contact the Healthy Lifestyles Team.
Follow us on Twitter, or visit Active for Life on Facebook.
Albion in the Community
Albion in the Community offers online engagement and 1-2-1 support over the phone.
Find out more about what Albion in the Community offers.
Allsorts Youth Project
Allsorts Youth Project listens to, supports and connects children and young people (ages 5 to 25 years old) who are LGBT+ or exploring their sexual orientation and/or gender identity.
Allsorts offers:
- LGBT+ youth groups
- one-to-one support
- activities, workshops & excursions
- in-person and online services
- family support services
- training and education services
To make a referral, please visit the Allsorts Youth Project website.
If you need support making a referral or have any questions, please email
Amaze offers:
- one-to-one phone call check-ins, including a focus on the 5 ways to well-being and techniques for resilience
- one-to-one career advice and next steps guidance around education, employment and training options - building aspiration and supporting young people to look to the future
- new fortnightly online newsletter gathering resources and tips
- interactive 'challenges' on WhatsApp group
- planning virtual group sessions
To contact Amazing Futures peer support, send an email to
To speak to someone about career guidance, send an email to
Find out more about Amaze.
AudioActive offers:
- online delivery of Shift through Zoom
- advice and support content on social media
- online tutorial content - this is being put together by practitioners
- database of free courses/resources
- youth consultation
- partnerships with music provider - Charanga/ Education & Bass
- online challenges and competitions - coming soon
- online collaboration projects - in development
- group feedback and question and answer sessions - in development
- 'artist takeovers' of social media - coming soon
- new partnerships - in development
Find out more about AudioActive.
Back on Track Young People’s Outreach Work
Outreach work with young people affected by parental substance use.
The usual services offered to young people are delivered virtually. All enquiries will receive a screening / initial assessment, but it may be that higher-risk young people are prioritised.
Open 9am to 5pm Monday to Thursday and 9am to 4pm on Fridays.
Send an email to, or phone 01273 293 966.
Black and Minority Ethnic Young People's Project (BMEYPP)
The BMEYPP offers:
- regular text messages to all members
- 1-2-1 support through phone calls, email and messages, and text messages to members
- group meetings with some invited young people and young volunteers
- online social groups - in development
To get in touch, you can send an email to You can also get in touch through the BMEYPP Facebook page or the BMEYPP Instagram.
Blatchington Court Trust
Blatchington Court Trust is a charity supporting certified vision-impaired people up to the age of 30 throughout Sussex.
It offers:
- remote counselling - mentoring and life-coaching
- indirect 1:1 support
- remote support with education and employment
- remote activities including quizzes, gaming and chats
- emotional support
Only open to existing registered clients. Anyone eligible can ask to be registered by sending an email to
Boys Brigade Brighton & Hove Battalion
Brighton & Hove City Council Youth Participation Team
The Youth Participation Team offers:
- regular contact with the 18-plus age group through WhatsApp group
- email contact with younger people through foster carers
- phone calls and texts
- conference calls
To get in touch, send an email to
Brighton & Hove Youth Council
New social media group, text, phone and email.
Find out more about Brighton & Hove Youth Council.
Brighton Table Tennis Club
Community table tennis club offering free and low-cost sessions to young people.
The current BTTC offer includes:
- 4 x a-week fitness sessions on Zoom
- the Daily Show catch-up at 5pm Mon to Sat
- BTTC Radio on Zoom
Find out more.
Brighton Youth Centre (BYC)
Brighton Youth Centre offers:
- 2 online open youth club sessions on Zoom
- daily contact on Instagram and Facebook
- weekly online recreation group mental health support
- weekly adopted young people online group
Find more information about Brighton Youth Centre.
Get in touch through the BYC Instagram page or the BYC Facebook page.
ESTEEM offers:
- weekly program of online activities, social chat spaces, meditation sessions, resilience building, finding strengths sessions
- ongoing check-ins with members of the staff youth team
- supported peer support
- media volunteering
- ongoing video project inviting young adults to share experiences during this time
- online counselling for existing clients
- communication with mentors over email or Google Hangouts
Find out more about ESTEEM.
Telephone support service for young people with special educational needs and disabilities and parent carers.
Online and virtual offer of activities and virtual timetable launching 6 April.
Brighton & Hove City Council can give you a referral, or you can get in touch through the Extratime Facebook page, or on the Extratime website.
The Hummingbird Refugee Project
A Community Standing Together for the Rights and Protection of Young Refugees.
The Hummingbird Refugee Project is a youth-centred charity that aims to provide trauma-informed services and promote youth-led action that is underpinned by our shared belief in human rights. Our services support young refugees, between the ages of 14 and 25, many of whom have arrived in the UK as unaccompanied children.
The project is based in Brighton and works with those living in the city and across East and West Sussex. As well as our direct services for young people, we actively campaign for the rights and protection of young refugees at a local and national level.
Our award-winning services provide a wide range of Youth-centred activities, all run to provide young refugees with the care and support they need.
- Be Well, Be Heard: Specialist 1:1 Support. We offer specialist support to young refugees who may have experienced trauma and/or have significant difficulties in their life
- Learning Space provides 1-2-1 tuition and a weekly drop-in educational and language support session with qualified teachers every Thursday 6pm to 7pm at the BMECP
- Global Social Club (GSC) meets every Monday, 5 to 7pm. Our team welcomes young people aged 14-25 from around the city and around the world
- Young Leaders programme is run in partnership with TEDxBrighton, working with young people to develop their confidence & skills. Hummingbird Young Leaders frequently speak at events and collaborate with the media
Alongside our Young People, we have led significant national and international campaigns and continue to lobby for change.
Find more information about The Hummingbird Refugee Project. You can get in touch via their Instagram page.
Kidz Klub Brighton and Hove Ltd
Providing quality activities and help for children and young people, working in partnership with local churches.
Please send an email to for more information.
Mentivity is an inspirational mentoring organisation and alternative educational provision delivering across London & Brighton.
- weekly IG live talk show
- 1:1 mentoring and support sessions,
- group conversation-based learning & support sessions,
- physical activity sessions - beginner, intermediate & advanced,
- drop in & chill sessions - Virtual Youth Club
Complete the contact form or send an email to
Pick Your Own
Pick Your Own offers:
Personalised support to build a young person's confidence
- 1:1 socially distanced walk or dog walk and talk
- meet-ups in your garden, local park, or outdoor cafe
- parent & young person together sessions
- digital meet-up on a platform of choice for example:
- help to identify and nurture interests, help to connect up with physical, creative and learning activity
- AQA interest-led learning units
- support for school/college work
- support for life beyond lockdown
- information and advice around:
- food
- money, housing
- mental and physical health support
Find out more about Pick Your Own. You can get in touch by:
Online Adolescent Girls Arts+ Wellbeing Group. Sending out resources, currently creating a new page with info and resources on the RISE website. Soon to be launching live chat.
Get a referral by phoning 01273 622 828.
Under 18s substance use and sexual health service. The usual services offered to young people and parents/ carers and professionals are delivered virtually.
All enquiries will receive a screening / initial assessment but it may be that we prioritise higher-risk young people.
Open Monday to Thursday from 9am to 5pm, and 9am to 4pm on Fridays.
Find out more about the ru-ok? service.
To get in touch, send an email to, or phone 01273 293 966.
Schools Wellbeing Service (BHISS)
The Schools Wellbeing Service offers:
- virtual therapeutic 1-2-1 and group work
- working with schools to monitor pupils who are at risk with regard to their mental health
- providing activities and resources to schools to be shared with parents and young people
- consultation line open daily for parents and professionals to contact with specific concerns around young people
Find out more about the Schools Wellbeing Service.
To get in touch, send an email to, or phone 01273 293 481.
Sensing Friends
Emotional Support for young people aged 8 to 18 years old with sensory needs, via Zoom (counsellor-facilitated) peer group support.
This offers a safe emotionally supportive space to meet other young people online in similar situations, or with similar issues and talk about feelings and issues coming up at present.
Telephone and Zoom Video 1-2-1 support and counselling. If this is not available or suitable there are other appropriate counselling services like:
- Zoom video creative activities
- storytelling sessions
- online friendship messaging
- support forum via Slack
Find out more about Sensing Friends or send an email to
Sew Fabulous
Sew Fabulous offers:
- Zoom meet-ups (current students only)
- project sent in the post to existing students
- free online resources
- projects to follow
Existing students have the information by email.
Find out more about Sew Fabulous.
Survivors' Network
Independent Sexual Violence Advisor Service:
- 1-2-1 support provided over text, WhatsApp, Skype, Zoom, phone
Young person therapy:
- 1-2-1 sessions over Zoom, Skype, phone and some text.
Normal referral pathways still apply. Police/SARC/Professionals can use the forms they have, or one downloaded from our website.
Make a self-referral through the Survivors' Network website.
Sussex Clubs for Young People
Sussex Clubs for Young People offers:
- virtual and phone support to young people known to us
- online group work through Facebook or Instagram
To get in touch, visit the Sussex Clubs for Young People website.
Sussex Nightstop
If you have a connection with Brighton & Hove and are homeless (including sofa-surfing), worried about becoming homeless or rough-sleeping, Sussex Nightstop can help.
Sussex Nightstop sets up short stays for young people aged 16 to 25 in the homes of volunteer hosts who are vetted and trained to provide a comfortable place of respite to young people in need of emergency accommodation.
Get more information on accessing support from Sussex Nightstop.
Sussex Prisoners' Families
Sussex Prisoners' Families offers family activities.
Get in touch through the Sussex Prisoners' Families website.
Tarner Community Project (#gojoinourclub)
Tarner Community Project offers:
- remote delivery on Monday, Wednesday and Friday
- sharing information through the Brighton Youth Opportunities Facebook group
- online general support
- phone support
- 2 weekly closed sessions
- Instagram / Facebook presence
- physically delivering newsletters/info in the community (Tarner - Kingswood / Milner Estate / Phoenix Estate)
You can get in touch through the Tarner Community Project Facebook or the Tarner Community Project Instagram.
The Hangleton and Knoll Project
The Hangleton and Knoll Project offers:
- check-in phone calls, phone or text chat, FB messenger for teens
- 1-2-1 casework and coaching online and telephone referrals from the School Nurse Team, community and Police
- Monday to Friday, midday to 8pm social media mix of groups, instant messaging
- Facebook groups include all normal group work sessions but as online chat, ways to manage anxiety, puzzles and games
- 1-2-1 online and phone support - targeted at identified young people but open to all who make contact
- youth volunteering meeting through Zoom
You can get in touch via the Hangleton and Knoll Project Facebook page.
The Trust for Developing Communities
The Trust for Developing Communities offers:
- online group hangout spaces
- social media challenges, fun, games and activities
- wellbeing sessions
- 1-2-1 phone call check-ins
- 1-2-1 health and well-being youth work
- 1-2-1 youth coaching
- Youth Worker available to chat on Instagram and Facebook, weekdays from midday to 8pm
Find the Trust for Developing Communities on Instagram, on Twitter @trustdevcom, or Facebook.
To get in touch, send an email to
TouchBase Centre CiC
TouchBase offers support to people aged between 5 and 25 years old.
They support people recovering from abuse, neglect and other adverse childhood experiences and their carers, adoptive parents and the education and social care professionals around them.
TouchBase Centre offers:
- individual therapy
- dyadic developmental psychotherapy
- Seguridad through Zoom
- one-off therapeutic consultations at very reduced rates for young people themselves or anyone supporting
To get in touch, send an email to
Whitehead Ross Education
Whitehead Ross offers:
- Youth Engagement and Future Focus programmes as distance learning / remote working
- engagement activities, including motivational and wellness activities
- Future Focus consists of vocational qualifications
- 1-2-1 support
Current working days/hours are: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 9am to 3:30pm.
To get in touch, send an email to
YMCA Positive Placements
YMCA Positive Placements offers:
- mentoring - getting support to set and work on goals to do with general well-being, mental health, education, employment or training
- communicating with a mentor over the phone, by email, or video chat for roughly an hour a week
To get in touch, send an email to
YMCA Reboot
Youth Coaching service in partnership with Trust for Developing Communities, Hangleton and Knoll Project, Audio Active.
YMCA Reboot offers:
- 1-2-1 support is being continued remotely over the phone or video call
- referral processes are changing - further information will be provided as soon as possible
To get in touch, send an email to
YMCA Right Here
Find more information about YMCA Right Here.
Instagram: @ymcarighthere
Twitter: @RightHereBH
Facebook: @ymcarighthere
1-2-1 support is still being provided over the phone, video calls - including Zoom and WhatsApp. Referrals are still being accepted, but there is currently a small waiting list. Young people are triaged and prioritised according to need.
The Ambassadors programme is being maintained with existing volunteers but not currently taking any new volunteers on.
Download a YMCA WISE referral form.
To get in touch, send an email to
Young Carers Project @ The Carers Centre
Young Carers Project offers:
- check-in phone calls
- phone or text chat
- Facebook Messenger for teens
Young Carers Project is working on its online offer.
It's by referral only, but you can ask for advice on Facebook or by sending an email to
Young People's Centre
Young People's Centre offers:
- telephone and text support
- check-in phone calls to current and known young people
- mail support
- Facebook updates
- investigating the potential for more 'open group' activity via Zoom or Google Hangout
They will respond to new enquiries through email: They don't provide 'emergency' support but they will follow up within 48 hours.
Young People's Support Network
Counselling and life coaching online on the Young People's Support Network website.
To get in touch, send an email to
Youth Employability Service (YES)
Free career information, advice, guidance and support with moving into education, training, and employment are provided by a team of qualified Employability Advisers.
For people 16 - 19 years old, not in education, employment or training and living in Brighton & Hove.
YES Advisers are offering ongoing support and advice using online platforms, including WhatsApp and Facebook
Send an email to, or phone 01273 294 247.
Youth Wise - Brighton & Hove decision-makers
Youth Wise has a group on Facebook.