What Family Hubs offer
What information, advice and guidance our Family Hubs offer, their locations and how to contact them.
About Family Hubs
Family Hubs support families in Brighton & Hove with children aged from age 0 to 19.
Young people with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) can access our services up to age 25.
There are four main Family Hubs, but we deliver services from other locations in Brighton & Hove.
Information, advice and guidance
Your family can get information, advice and guidance on subjects like:
- childcare and childcare support
- services that can support families with their finances
- local services for parents, young people and children
Family Service Directory
You can use our online Family Service Directory to search for services and childcare.
You can also view our factsheets which include advice and information:
- for separated parents
- about local support for your family
- for families new to Brighton & Hove
- about financial help
Groups and workshops
You can join groups and workshops including:
- early language and learning
- SEND support
- parenting and parental relationships
- physical and mental health
Some parenting groups are also available in Arabic and Bengali.
One-to-one support for families
We can offer families who face more complex challenges intensive one-to-one support.
We look at the needs of the whole family and work with each member to help make positive changes. We can offer this support for a few weeks or up to a year.
NHS services
Midwives and the Healthy Child Programme which includes Health Visitors and School Nurses are based in Family Hubs. They provide a range of services from pregnancy to age 19. You can also get support to stop smoking and help with breastfeeding and infant feeding.
Childcare and early education
We provide childcare and early education at the Family Hub nurseries and the Jeanne Saunders Centre for children with SEND.
Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme
We provide free activities and food during the Easter, Summer and Winter school holidays. This programme is for school-age children from reception to year 11 who are eligible for benefit-related free-school meals.
Youth services
We work with youth providers to offer support, activities and services for young people. We also offer opportunities for young people to have a say in the way we run services and specialist support for young people in care.
Young Carers
We can support young carers and their families with information, advice and guidance, one to one family support and assessments. More information is available on the Young carers website.
Help with employment
We can help parents and carers prepare for employment with support, training, volunteering and accessing childcare. We also offer careers advice, better-off calculations, CV writing and support to prepare for interviews.
How to volunteer with us
Offer your time and experience or build your confidence and skills by helping to support families across the city. Find a role suited to you in a wide range of settings either within Family Hubs themselves or in other community settings like nurseries, NHS services or charities. All roles come with full training and support, including a free Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.
To get in contact with your local Family Hub's Coordinator and find out more:
- send an email to familyhubs@brighton-hove.gov.uk
- phone 01273 293545,
Family Hub locations and contact details
You can find the main Family Hubs at the following locations:
- Tarner Family Hub - Ivory Place, Brighton, BN2 9QE
- Whitehawk Family Hub - 178 Whitehawk Rd, Whitehawk, Brighton, BN2 5FL
- Moulsecoomb Family Hub - Hodshrove Lane, Moulsecoomb, Brighton, BN2 4SE
- Hangleton Family Hub - Harmsworth Crescent, Hangleton, Hove, BN3 8BW
How to contact the Family Hubs
- phone 01273 293545
- send an email to familyhubs@brighton-hove.gov.uk
How to refer to Family Hubs
You can complete our online form to refer a child or family to Front Door for families.
Tell us if you're worried about a child
If you're concerned that a child is at risk of harm:
If you need help to fill in the form:
- phone 01273 290 400
- send an email to FrontDoorforFamilies@brighton-hove.gov.uk