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View our 2023 to 2027 action plan
Our People Promise sets out what we should all experience working here. It states our key commitments to each other. One of those commitments is our promise to be a fair and inclusive place to work.
To deliver this commitment, we first co-created our Fair and Inclusive Action Plan in 2019 in collaboration with our employee networks, trade unions and stakeholders from across the organisation. In June 2023, following a stakeholder review, the Corporate Equality Delivery Group agreed an updated plan for 2023 to 2027 that reflects our fair and inclusive priorities for our workforce and city.
The Fair and Inclusive Action Plan is built around the themes of:
Making sure the council is a fair and inclusive place to work is the responsibility of everyone within our organisation.
1.1 - staff understand expectations and consequences of behaviour, are confident to speak up and know where to access support
1.2 - early intervention and mediation to resolve issues where appropriate
1.3 - working with our Trade Unions
1.4 - accountability for continuous improvement of inclusive leadership ensured via a sound performance management framework
1.5 - fair and more consistent application of formal employment procedures
2.1 - an effective and collaborative approach to equality, diversity and inclusion learning and development
2.2 - mandatory induction and probation with clear expectations of behaviour
2.3 - positive action initiatives to develop and retain under-represented groups
3.1 - the council’s developing recruitment strategy will ensure robust and inclusive recruitment processes that are reviewed regularly for effectiveness in reducing barriers and disproportionate outcomes for under-represented groups
3.2 - inclusive workforce and outreach strategy to raise employer brand and engage applicants from diverse communities across the city
3.3 - develop and deliver a more accessible and inclusive workplace for disabled staff
3.4 - a wellbeing offer that responds to the emerging needs of diverse staff groups
4.1 - services engage with residents and communities in an accessible, intersectional way using best practice to ensure customer-informed services
4.2 - the council has a reputation as a learning organisation that is open to challenge and growth, readily and strategically seeking communities' feedback to create equitable outcomes, voice, access and community cohesion.
5.1 - council services intentionally capture and use community experiences, learning and data to respond effectively to communities they work with and to the changing demographic of the city.
5.2 - embed EDI in services through systematic review of policies, processes and practices, using EIAs effectively
5.3 - improved business intelligence through the capture, evaluation and monitoring of services' impact to demonstrate improved outcomes for different groups singularly and intersectionally
1.1 - staff understand expectations and consequences of behaviour, are confident to speak up and know where to access support
1.2 - early intervention and mediation to resolve issues where appropriate
1.3 - working with our Trade Unions
1.4 - accountability for continuous improvement of inclusive leadership ensured via a sound performance management framework
1.5 - fair and more consistent application of formal employment procedures
2.1 - an effective and collaborative approach to equality, diversity and inclusion in learning and development
2.2 - mandatory induction and probation with clear expectations of behaviour
2.3 - positive action initiatives to develop and retain under-represented groups
3.1 - the council’s developing recruitment strategy will ensure robust and inclusive recruitment processes that are reviewed regularly for effectiveness in reducing barriers and disproportionate outcomes for under-represented groups
3.2 - inclusive workforce and outreach strategy to raise employer brand and engage applicants from diverse communities across the city
3.3 - develop and deliver a more accessible and inclusive workplace for disabled staff
3.4 - a wellbeing offer that responds to the emerging needs of diverse staff groups
4.1 - services engage with residents and communities in an accessible, intersectional way using best practice to ensure customer-informed services
4.2 - the council has a reputation as a learning organisation that is open to challenge and growth, readily and strategically seeking communities' feedback to create equitable outcomes, voice, access and community cohesion
5.1 - council services intentionally capture and use community experiences, learning and data to respond effectively to communities they work with and to the changing demographic of the city
5.2 - embed EDI in services through systematic review of policies, processes and practices using Equality Impact Assessments effectively
5.3 - improved business intelligence through the capture, evaluation and monitoring of services' impact to demonstrate improved outcomes for different groups singularly and intersectionally