Fair and Inclusive Action Plan Overview
1. Leadership, accountability and consequences
Key outputs
1.1 - staff understand expectations and consequences of behaviour, are confident to speak up and know where to access support
1.2 - early intervention and mediation to resolve issues where appropriate
1.3 - working with our Trade Unions
1.4 - accountability for continuous improvement of inclusive leadership ensured via a sound performance management framework
1.5 - fair and more consistent application of formal employment procedures
- staff survey
- number of mediation cases
- number of HRAS cases
- timely resolution of casework
- exit interview data
- feedback from staff networks
- leadership appraisal process
2. Learning and development
Key outputs
2.1 - an effective and collaborative approach to equality, diversity and inclusion learning and development
2.2 - mandatory induction and probation with clear expectations of behaviour
2.3 - positive action initiatives to develop and retain under-represented groups
- staff survey
- L&D data: compliance, evaluations
- PDP completion rates
- workforce profiles
3. Recruitment, retention and progression
Key outputs
3.1 - the council’s developing recruitment strategy will ensure robust and inclusive recruitment processes that are reviewed regularly for effectiveness in reducing barriers and disproportionate outcomes for under-represented groups
3.2 - inclusive workforce and outreach strategy to raise employer brand and engage applicants from diverse communities across the city
3.3 - develop and deliver a more accessible and inclusive workplace for disabled staff
3.4 - a wellbeing offer that responds to the emerging needs of diverse staff groups
- recruitment data
- acting up, promotion and secondment data
- workforce profiles
- staff survey
- exit data
4. Community engagement and communication
Key outputs
4.1 - services engage with residents and communities in an accessible, intersectional way using best practice to ensure customer-informed services
4.2 - the council has a reputation as a learning organisation that is open to challenge and growth, readily and strategically seeking communities' feedback to create equitable outcomes, voice, access and community cohesion.
- Customer Experience team
- feedback from CAG and other panels
5. Service delivery
Key outputs
5.1 - council services intentionally capture and use community experiences, learning and data to respond effectively to communities they work with and to the changing demographic of the city.
5.2 - embed EDI in services through systematic review of policies, processes and practices, using EIAs effectively
5.3 - improved business intelligence through the capture, evaluation and monitoring of services' impact to demonstrate improved outcomes for different groups singularly and intersectionally
- Performance Management Framework