Flood risk
Read more about the Brighton & Hove Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA).
Brighton & Hove Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA)
The Brighton & Hove SFRA [PDF 7.59mb] contains further information that will help identify:
- the Flood Zone the development is located in (SRFA figure 3.1);
- past localised incidents of flooding which may need to be considered e.g. sewer flooding from heavy rain events
- the flood risk ‘vulnerability’ of different land uses and their compatibility with different flood zones i.e. which uses may or may not be acceptable in different flood zones (table 2.1);
- the tests that a development proposal may need to meet if it is located in an area of medium or high flood risk (flood zones 2 or 3);
- guidance about what site-specific Flood Risk Assessments (for applications in flood zone 2/3, or for proposals of areas greater that 1ha) should include; and
- ways for all developments to minimise and mitigate against flood risk.
Additional information on how to minimise flood risk is available from the Environment Agency website. Design and specification advice can be found in the National House Building Council's Climate change and innovation in house building: designing out risk [PDF 1771kb] (pages 25 and 26).
Planning Policy Statement (PPS) 25: Development and Flood Risk contains information on the need for and requirements of Site Specific Flood Risk Assessment.
Relevant policies
National policy
Planning Policy Statement (PPS) 25: Development and Flood Risk
Brighton & Hove Local Plan
SU4: Surface water run-off and flood risk [PDF 799kb]
SU7: Development within the coastal zone [PDF 799kb]
City Plan Part One (adopted 2016) - City Plan Part One (brighton-hove.gov.uk)
- Policy SA1 The Seafront
- DA2 Brighton Marina
- DA8 Shoreham Harbour
- CP11 Flood Risk
City Plan Part Two (adopted 2022) - Adopted City Plan Part Two (brighton-hove.gov.uk)
- DM39 Development on the Seafront
- DM43 Sustainable Drainage
Shoreham Harbour Joint Area Action Plan (adopted 2019) - Shoreham Harbour Joint Area Action Plan (JAAP).pdf (brighton-hove.gov.uk)
- Policy SH6: Flood risk and sustainable drainage
See also Area Priorities for Aldrington Basin, North Quayside and South Portslade.
Supplementary Planning Documents
Sustainable Drainage SPD 16 - SPD16 Sustainable Drainage (brighton-hove.gov.uk)
Shoreham Harbour Flood Risk Management Guide SPD 13 (2015) - SPD13 (brighton-hove.gov.uk)