A grace period of 21 days is in place for all parking permit holders. This means you can display your parking permit for 21 days after the expiry date printed on it. As long as you've submitted your renewal application and you're parked according to the conditions of your current parking permit, you will not receive a fine.
Find out what noise complaints we can deal with, what action we can take and how to take your own action.
Before you contact Brighton & Hove City Council Environmental Protection Department, we always suggest you talk to your neighbours first to try and resolve any problems. Often, your neighbour may not be aware they're causing a problem.
If this does not work or is not possible, we strongly recommend that you consider mediation.
Mediation seeks to achieve mutually agreed solutions to a dispute and is often more sustainable and long-lasting.
Most noise complaints are dealt with informally, but should this not be possible, Brighton & Hove City Council can take formal action.
There's no set legal level of noise which is too loud, or that will automatically result in action being taken by Brighton & Hove City Council.
There is also no set time during the day or night when music or any other sort of noisy activity must end.
How to make a noise complaint
Under the provisions of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and the definition of statutory nuisance, Brighton & Hove City Council can investigate and deal with some types of noise.
In order to take action, the noise has to be significant enough to disturb you in your home and interfere with everyday life.
The noise therefore needs to continue for a long time or happen regularly and be unreasonable.
We can investigate noise from:
loud music
dogs barking
DIY and building works
commercial/licensed premises such as equipment or loud music
Noise we will not investigate
Brighton & Hove City Council will not investigate noise which is unlikely to constitute a statutory nuisance under the legislation such as sounds of daily living.
Examples of noise that will not be investigated include:
noise from children playing either inside, in gardens, or in playgrounds
babies or children crying
neighbours talking either inside a property or in a garden
objects being dropped
impact sound from footsteps, doors closing and switches operating in adjacent premises or communal areas in residential blocks
toilet flushing
washing machines, kitchen equipment and other domestic appliances operating during daytime hours which is typically between the hours of 7am to 10pm
garden equipment operating such as lawn movers, leaf blowers, and shredders
noise in the street which does not arise from a vehicle, machinery, equipment or buskers, for example, noise from people in the street does not constitute a statutory nuisance
noise which arises within a premises, such as noise caused by a person living in shared accommodation and affecting a person living in the same accommodation
Building work or DIY activities can create noise or vibration that can affect neighbours and result in complaints to Brighton & Hove City Council.
There's no law stating the times that DIY or other building works can take place or any laws that specify maximum noise levels.
Planning conditions are sometimes attached to planning permissions which restrict work to certain times only. These permissions are usually only for larger developments (10 dwellings or more or development of floorspace of 1,000 sq m or more).
You can find information about individual site planning permissions by searching our Planning Register.
We appreciate that people often carry out building or DIY work. However, this work must be done at reasonable times and should not cause nuisance to neighbours.
We strongly recommend that noisy building and DIY work be restricted to the following times unless you have agreed to other times with your neighbours:
Monday to Friday: 8am to 6pm
Saturdays: 9am to 1pm
Sundays and Bank/Public Holidays: no work
It's a good idea to inform your neighbours of the work you're carrying out, and how long you expect it to take. Where possible, inform them in advance of potentially noisy work. Complaints may be avoided if people are aware of your timetable.
Remember, whilst occasional DIY or building work is not unreasonable, frequent, or prolonged loud work that causes disturbance can be considered unreasonable and may constitute a statutory nuisance.
Odours and fumes
We can investigate odour or smell as a nuisance from most sources. However, with regards to complaints about the spreading of manure or slurry on the land, we follow the informal advice provided by the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) that manure or similar should be ploughed in within 72 hours of it being spread.
We need to know where the odour comes from.
We're often asked to investigate odours from kitchen exhaust/extraction systems serving restaurants and/or takeaways. In these cases, we can check that the extractor system and ducting are being maintained, serviced, and cleaned properly. There will always be odd incidents from commercial kitchen systems, but they should not be excessive.
We are not able to deal with odours from domestic premises, such as cooking and cigarette smoke coming from within people’s homes. However, odour from accumulations within residential properties can be investigated.
Take your own legal action
There are times, despite the best efforts of the investigating officer, when Brighton & Hove City Council cannot obtain the evidence necessary to take action on behalf of the person who has made a complaint. This may be due to noise which occurs intermittently or we're unable to gather evidence to prove a statutory nuisance.
In such circumstances, independent legal action can be taken by complaining directly to the Magistrate's Court under Section 82 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 under the grounds that you are aggrieved by noise amounting to a statutory nuisance.
The procedure is fairly simple and need not cost much. You may not need to employ a solicitor but it's advisable to obtain some legal advice.
Brighton & Hove City Council cannot be held responsible for any outcome where private action is pursued. These notes are for guidance only.
Steps to take your own legal action
Collect your evidence by keeping a daily account of the disturbances and how you're affected. You should include dates, times and duration of noise; an accurate description of the noise; nature and effect of disturbance e.g. unable to hear your television, unable to sleep, woken up; action taken at the time e.g. spoke to the person responsible, called police, went out.
Establish the full name and address of the person(s) responsible for the noise and the proper address of the noisy premises.
Before approaching the Court you should write to the noisemaker(s) saying that unless the noise is abated within, say 2 weeks, you'll complain to the Magistrate's Court to institute legal proceedings against them. You must specify the matter complained of. Keep a copy of all correspondence.
Take your evidence to Brighton & Hove Magistrates Court, Edward Street, Brighton (telephone (01273) 670888) at around 9:30am on any weekday and present it to the Clerk of the Court. Explain you wish to make a complaint under Section 82 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990.
The Clerk will decide whether or not you have sufficient evidence of a statutory nuisance. If you have sufficient evidence, the Clerk will issue a Court Summons and fix a hearing date for approximately 4 to 6 weeks time. You may have to pay a fee for this.
You, any witnesses and the person(s) summonsed must appear at the Court on the given date. In Court, you'll be required to explain your case and produce your diary and any witnesses. The 'offender' will be able to cross-examine you if they wish.
If the Magistrates are convinced you have a case then an Order will be made requiring the defendant to abate the nuisance and prohibiting its reoccurrence. In addition, a fine may also be imposed.
If the Order is ignored you must keep further records and if necessary return to the Court with your evidence for a prosecution. Unlimited may then be imposed.
If you're successful you may apply to the Court for costs against the defendant to cover any costs you may have incurred.
For further advice contact the Magistrates Court:
phone 01273 670 888
visit Brighton & Hove Magistrates Court, Edward Street, Brighton
What we’ll do about a noise complaint
Every case is different, but in general, we’ll contact the person responsible and tell them about the complaint.
If the noise continues, we’ll collect evidence by asking you to keep diaries, and sending out officers or recording equipment.