Report a noise complaint at the weekend
If you report a noise complaint during the weekend, we’ll get back to you the following morning.
In an emergency, please phone Sussex Police on 999.
What we can do about buskers that cause problems
Problems with a specific busker
If a busker is causing regular problems in the city, we may investigate them for causing a 'statutory nuisance'.
Find out what counts as a statutory nuisance from GOV.UK.
We’ll try to gather evidence about the problem with the help of the police, the busker could be given a CPW (Community Protection Warning). This would stop them from busking in parts of the city, or the whole of Brighton & Hove. If they break the CPW we could issue a CPN (Community Protection Notice) and take their equipment. Failure to comply with the CPN is an offence under the Anti-social Behaviour and Policing Act 2014. In the event of a statutory nuisance, the council will consider serving a noise Abatement Notice. If someone does not comply with an Abatement Notice they can be prosecuted and fined under the Environmental Protection Act 1990.
Problems with multiple buskers in the same location
It is very difficult to deal with busking problems where disturbance comes from the overall impact of different buskers playing in the same location.