Get advice on flooding
Find out how to prepare for flooding, check the flood risk in your area and what we're doing to reduce the flood risk in the city.
Check for flood alerts
Although Brighton & Hove is a coastal city, surface and groundwater flooding are the most common types of flood.
Surface water
Surface water is unpredictable. We cannot give direct warnings for this type of flooding. Check local weather forecasts.
Use the Met Office website to find local weather forecasts.
The Environment Agency checks groundwater levels. They give flood alerts for the Patcham area.
Check for flood alerts on GOV.UK.
Check flood risk maps
Flood risk maps show which parts of the city are most at risk from flooding.
View flood risk maps on GOV.UK.
Report flooding
If the flooding is coming from a sewer or there are visible signs of sewage, contact Southern Water.
Report out-of-hours
Phone 01273 29 22 29 to report a flood emergency on:
- weekends
- bank holidays
- from 4pm to 8pm on weekdays
Get flooding health advice
The UK Health Security Agency provides important information about health risks caused by flooding and how to recover from flooding.
Get advice from the Environment Agency on what to do during a flood.
Protect your property
Flood defence barriers
You should make your own arrangements to protect your property from flooding.
In line with Environment Agency guidance, it's no longer advised to use sandbags to prevent property flooding. Property owners should seek alternative flood defence barriers.
The National Flood Forum has guidance on protecting your property from flooding.
Prepare for flooding
The Environment Agency gives information on how to prepare your property for flooding, complete a flood plan, and check the 5-day flood risk forecast.
Find more flood information and advice from the National Flood Forum.
Insure your property
Talk to your insurance company about their policies.
Who to contact about flooding
For questions about the risk of flooding from surface water maps, phone 01273 29 29 29.
For questions about the flood risk maps for the sea, main rivers and reservoirs, phone the Environment Agency’s Floodline on 08459 881 188.
Section 19 Flood Investigations
As part of our duties under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010, as a Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) we're required to:
- investigate significant flood incidents
- produce reports known as Section 19 reports
Section 19 of the act requires LLFAs to investigate flood incidents where necessary, based on each LLFA’s published flood investigation criteria set out within their Local Flood Risk Management Strategy. This is to establish responsible parties as well as their actions as a result of the flooding event.
After the completion of each investigation:
- the report will be published on this webpage
- the relevant flood Risk Management Authorities (RMAs) will be notified of the investigation’s conclusions and recommendations
The investigation is not an in-depth analysis of the flood risk or mechanisms of flooding. Hydraulic modelling of the risks and reduction or alleviation options are not part of the investigation.
Flood investigations do not give us powers to require or demand any parties undertake any work.