Amaze is a charity for families with children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
We work with parent carers of disabled children and young people aged 0 to 25. We also support disabled young people aged 14 to 25 directly.
You can find a lot of useful SEND information and resources on our website. We also offer help in a number of other ways.
One service we provide is the SENDIASS service for Brighton & Hove and East Sussex. This is an independent information, advice and support service for parent carers and young people with SEND. Follow the link to learn more or call the SENDIASS advice line on 01273 772 289.
Other Amaze services include:
Amazing Futures project for young people aged 14 to 25 with SEND:
In addition to the Amazing Futures project, young people may be interested in our Compass Card scheme. This is a free leisure discount card for children and young people 0 to 25 with significant SEND
Information, advice and support for parent carers:
We also support local parent carer forums PaCC (Brighton & Hove) and ESPCF (East Sussex).
How to get support from us
Contact us by phone or email and someone will get back to you.