Postal voting
If you can't vote at a polling station, or you don't want to, find out what a postal vote is and how to apply for one.
What a postal vote is
A postal vote is a vote you return by post.
You can apply for a postal vote if you:
- don’t want to vote at the polling station
- can't get to a polling station on election day
We'll send your ballot papers to you in the post before an election. You can then post these back to us or hand them in at Hove Town Hall at any point before the election.
You can also hand in your postal vote into any polling station in Brighton & Hove on the day of the election.
From May 2024, you'll need to complete a separate declaration form if you return your postal vote by hand. We won't be able to count your vote without the declaration.
How to apply for a postal vote
You need to verify your identity when you apply for a postal vote. You can do this by providing your National Insurance number. If you can't provide a National Insurance number, or we aren't able to verify your identity with it, we'll ask you for more identification.
You can apply for a postal vote online. If you are not able to apply online, then contact us and we will send you a paper application form.
To ask for help filling in the form, or to ask us to send you a form:
- send an email to
- phone 01273 291 999
Return completed application forms to us:
- as a clear scan or photo, by email to
- by post to Electoral Services, Hove Town Hall, Norton Road Hove, BN3 3BQ.
The signature you provide on your postal vote application must be the same as the signature you provide when you vote. If the signatures do not match, then we will reject your vote.
Application deadlines
Postal vote applications
Make your application for a postal vote by 5pm, 11 working days before election day.
Cancel an existing postal vote
Cancel an existing posting vote by 5pm, 11 working days before election day.
Find the postal application deadlines for upcoming elections in Brighton & Hove.