We've produced a new Equality & Inclusion policy.
The strategy includes the findings of
The policy describes how we promote, facilitate and deliver equality within the council and the rest of the city. It fits within council, community and partner service frameworks, and sets out key city issues.
The policy objectives also meet our requirements under the public sector duty of the Equality Act 2010.
Download our Equality and inclusion policy statement and strategy (PDF 349KB)
Our equality objective
The Equality Act 2010 requires councils (and other public sector organisations) to set at least one equality objective every four years.
"To achieve excellence in our equality practice, as measured by the Equality Framework for Local Government, by 2020"
Our objective covers all aspects of our work, all our services and everyone protected by the law. The Equality Framework for Local Government (EFLG) is the only nationally recognised, comprehensive, external equality assessment specifically for local authorities.
Reporting progress against our objective
To show how we will achieve this objective we will report annually progress against the objective through the Neighbourhoods, Inclusion,Communities and Equality Committee (NICE). Actions around this objective will be embedded in service plans and monitored throughout the year.
This highlights important equality activity across the council, though other work is also being done. Each council team has a business plan that describes their specific equality actions and aims. New actions are continually identified through Equality Impact Assessments, community engagement and service reviews.

We carry out regular equalities monitoring of our staff. Analysis of this data helps us to understand the impact of our employment policies, procedures and practices on our staff. In particular, it enables us to identify any differences in outcomes for different staff groups.
Having a diverse workforce and inclusive workplace culture based on respect are key components for us to be an efficient and effective modern organisation.
Download our workforce equalities report 2016/17 (PDF 2.2MB)
Contact us
Find out more about the
For more details on the Equality and Inclusion Policy or the action plan, please contact the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Team.