Disabled Workers & Carers Network
The Disabled Workers and Carers Network (DWCN) is a group of employees from across the council who identify as being disabled, D/deaf, Neurodivergent, have long term illnesses, caring responsibilities, and/or any colleagues who have accessibility requirements. We welcome the support of allies and interested parties.
The vision of the DWCN is to enable all people, irrespective of access requirements and/or caring responsibilities, to feel empowered, valued, and to support work that removes barriers wherever possible. The DWCN follows the principles of the social model of disability, as does the council, and we work collaboratively as a critical friend to the council wherever we can to work toward continuous improvements for accessibility.
The Disabled Workers & Carers Network aims to:
- ensure that due consideration is made by managers, to support disabled staff and those with caring responsibilities in accordance with the Equality Act 2010
- take staff equality seriously and work towards a safe environment where any employee can disclose that they are disabled or a carer without fear of discrimination or victimisation, and are confident that reasonable adjustments will be provided in a timely and efficient way
- raise awareness at all levels to consider the needs of disabled employees and carers
- work with the council’s BME, LGBT and Women's Network Forums to challenge discrimination in all forms
- provide a confidential environment to share experiences and raise issues
- work with elected members with responsibilities for equality and disability to promote equality and challenge discrimination
For more information please email disabledworkersandcarersnetwork@brighton-hove.gov.uk
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