The Independent Renumeration Panel recommends the levels of:
- councillors’ basic allowance
- special responsibility allowance for councillors who have extra responsibilities such as cabinet members, committee chairmen
- child care and dependent care allowances for councillors who require them
- travel and subsistence payments and the circumstances under which they may be paid
- co-opted members’ allowances
- allowances for parish councillors
The panel also looks at councillors’ pensions and whether allowances should be withheld to suspended councillors. Because of their knowledge and expertise, we may ask our Independent Remuneration Panel to undertake other reviews, such as a review of the mayoral allowance.
Get details of councillors' allowances.
How the Independent Renumeration Panel works
The panel usually meets once a year.
The panel makes recommendations based on:
- national and local evidence
- other local authorities
- examples of good practice
The panel will also meet with individual councillors, carry out surveys and observe meetings.
The panel is made up of three to five people. None of the panel are councillors or council officers. The council’s monitoring officer and chief executive appoint people to the panel. Their term of office may be renewed every three years.
The panel presents reports to the Policy and Resources committee and Audit and Standards committee.
The full functions of the panel are set out in Regulation 21 of the Local Authorities (Members’ Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003.