Council data and finance
Includes city statistics and council financial data.
Council finance
For information on the council budget and statement of accounts visit our council finance page.
Open data
Open data is about increasing transparency in government. It's also about sharing the information we hold with the wider community to build useful applications. Below is a list of datasets that Brighton & Hove City Council has opened up.
The data needs to be in open, computer readable formats that can be easily reused. You are free to use any of the data on this section of the website in a wide variety of applications. We license use in accordance with the same terms and conditions as specified by
If you build any systems or applications using the data then please let us know. We would love to hear how this data is being used.
- national and local statistics and indicators relating to Brighton & Hove can be found on the BH Connected website
- election turnout data from the 2007 election [CSV 3kb]
- financial data
- map based data
- education
- tourism & leisure
- housing data
Customer insight data
The Customer Insight report brings together the information collected about the customer experience of people using Brighton & Hove City Council services in the last year.
Financial data
- payments over £250 made by the council
- our senior officers' pay.
- payment processing performance
- data on investigations into fraud and irregularity carried out by Internal Audit and Counter Fraud
Map based data
Map data updates 2015
Map data in xlsx format |
Polling stations (XLSX 22KB) |
Map data last updated December 2011
Council property and land
Below is a table of the map data for the areas which make up council owned property and land. This information is also available as a combined CSV or EXL file or a PDF map on our property and land page.
We've also got a range of map based data available using a Web Feature Service (WFS) client. Download the map based data list [CSV 4kb] and find out about connecting to our Web Feature Service client [PDF 244kb]
Download the postcode lookup table data [MS Excel 5.94MB] for Brighton & Hove. This contains all live and terminated postcodes for the Brighton & Hove area as well as deprivation data from the Index of Multiple Deprivation 2007.
Download the School_Admissions_Dataset_v1 [MS Excel 485KB]
We have built this dataset with developers in mind and hope we have provided a data structure that works for you! We have built this data rapidly, mining pdf files and manually transferring information. We have done our best to ensure accuracy, but acknowledge there are some gaps in the data and almost certainly a need to refine our explanations and make the dataset easier to understand. We welcome questions and feedback to
You can also download our Brighton & Hove school open data guide [PDF 40KB]
Tourism & leisure
Visitor numbers from April 2011 to October 2012 [CSV 54kb]. This includes data for the Royal Pavilion, Preston Manor, Brighton Museum, Hove Museum and Booth Museum.
Brighton & Hove museums have made many of their images available to all, and you can access a lot of the data about their collections online. Take a look at the museums collection data and images page for more information.
For council housing, you can look at the: