Report fraud now
If you think someone is committing fraud against the council, or if you have evidence of corruption or other wrongdoing, please tell us, whether the people involved work for us or not. Types of fraud affecting the council include those relating to:
- Housing tenancies
- Suppliers or procurement
- Council Tax reduction
- Council Tax discounts and exemptions
- Business rates
- Insurance claims
- Concessionary travel and blue badges
- Parking permits
- Grants
- Contractors
- Employees
All benefit fraud reports are now investigated by the Department for Work and Pensions.
You can also report fraud by telephone or email:
Counter fraud team
Part of our role is to combat fraud and we have specialists dealing with cases of fraud or other irregularities. Fraud is not a victimless crime - it's your money. Fraud is theft and not just from the council but against you, help us to ensure that all spending goes on delivering and improving services to you.
Our experienced counter-fraud team within internal audit investigates any reports of fraud affecting the council, whether reported by phone, by letter, by email or in person. You can make an anonymous report. Once a report is made, we work to establish whether there is enough information to investigate further. If there is, they will take action as required which may involve working with other agencies.
We also take part in the biannual National Fraud Initiative (NFI), run by the Cabinet Office, which is a data-matching exercise designed to prevent and detect fraud in public services and the benefits system.
The council’s full approach to countering fraud can be found in the BHCC Anti-Fraud and Corruption Strategy and Framework 2022 to 2024.
Fraud data
Data on investigations into fraud and irregularity carried out by Internal Audit and Counter Fraud.