Violence and abuse training for professionals
Domestic and sexual violence and abuse, stalking and harassment and harmful practices training activities.
About the Violence Against Women and Girls Unit
To ensure that professionals working in Brighton & Hove can access appropriate training in these areas, the Violence Against Women and Girls Unit provides oversight and co-ordinates training activities offer across the city on these topics.
The full package of training includes training offered by:
- the local Specialist Services
- the Local Safeguarding Children’s Partnership
- Safeguarding Adults Board and
- Brighton & Hove City Council’s Workforce Development Team
The training offered across Brighton & Hove is reviewed regularly to reflect emerging trends. While there is frequently an overlap with child and adult safeguarding there is a range of other training relating specifically to child and adult safeguarding issues.
You can sign up to training the Brighton & Hove Learning Zone. If you have any questions, send an email to
Other online learning opportunities
Domestic violence and abuse or stalking
We provide a 3 module online course for all those with a learning zone accounts.
For more information send an email to
Understanding Domestic Violence Levels 1 and 2
In February 2014, the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) issued guidance for health and social care practitioners on responding to domestic violence in their practice.
The guidance outlined 4 levels of training for differing professional groups. The Understanding Domestic Violence Levels 1 and 2 online programme will enable you to meet level 1 and 2 of the NICE recommended training and is applicable to all health and social care professionals.
Domestic and sexual violence, problematic substance use and mental ill-health are 3 issues which often co-exist. And when they do, things can become complicated.
Complicated Matters: Domestic and Sexual Violence, Problematic Substance Use and Mental Distress
The Complicated Matters course is designed to ‘uncomplicate’ matters by raising your awareness about how the three issues interlink and reflecting on the most effective ways to engage with individuals and families who are affected by these issues.
This course has been developed alongside a toolkit for professionals who work with victims or perpetrators of domestic and sexual violence who are also affected by problematic substance use and/or mental ill-health. You will find links to the toolkit throughout the course.
Conducting a domestic homicide review
The Home Office has produced an online course for frontline practitioners who will be taking part in domestic homicide reviews.
Rape and sexual violence: Sexual exploitation: Sexual harassment in the workplace and public
Find useful webinars on the Survivors Network website for a small fee.
We'll update this page when we know about other training opportunities.
Awareness of forced marriage
The Forced Marriage Unit has developed a new forced marriage online learning package for professionals. The modules aim to enable professionals to recognise the warning signs of forced marriage and ensure that the appropriate action is taken to help protect and support all those at risk.
Female Genital Mutilation
The Home Office has launched free online training for frontline professionals in identifying and helping girls at risk of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).
You can find out more about FGM through the online course recognising and preventing FGM.
There is also a course mainly aimed at education professionals. FGM awareness and prevention explains what FGM is, why it’s practised, the warning signs to look out for, and what you can do to fulfil your safeguarding duties and help protect girls and young women.
More information
For more information, send an email to