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At a special Cabinet meeting in August 2024 Cabinet members voted to approve an additional £3 million budget to move forward the restoration of 28 of the Madeira Terrace arches, Phase 1 of the restoration.
Council Leader Bella Sankey announced that: “As the project moves forward, we will be seeking ideas from residents, local businesses and investors on how the restoration of the rest of the arches can be funded in a way Brighton-friendly way.”
In October 2024 Historic England announced a £750,000 grant towards Phase 1 of the restoration.
Following the launch of a public Invitation to Tender process in December 2023, JT Mackley & Co were appointed as main contractors for the first stage of restoration in October 2024.
The contractors started clearing the site of rubbish, items to be stored or saved and greenery which is not part of the conservation of the green wall. They will create their working compound, segregating the works area in order to clear vegetation and protect some of the Green Wall spindle plants being retained
Before Christmas 2024 contractors started taking down the dilapidated concrete deck so that parts of the cast iron structure can be transported to specialist foundry in the north of England to assess the repairs possible.
We hope that the first phase of restored arches could be open to the public in 2026.
You can read the planning documentation for Madeira Terrace on the Planning Portal.