Latest updates
February 2025
- The long-term project office and welfare set up is complete.
- Vegetation has been removed and / or trimmed, with the Japanese Spindle plants to be retained protected and soil harvested to be re-used for restoration of the Green Wall.
- Work has begun to remove the back benches – previously hidden under the foliage.
- Following successful paint-stripping trials to remove a hundred years of paint and rust, we’ve commenced applying the stripper to the bolts, handrail framework and construction joints.
- All trace contaminants from the promenade and Laundry Room area have been removed.
- Two boreholes have been drilled with a final bore hole to be completed at the end of January, allowing us to collect information about the subsurface conditions prior to the works.
Next steps
- With a clear site, Mackley can begin the carefully planned process of dismantling the Victorian arches.
- Working along the row, starting at Bay 90 / 91, we will be applying paint stripper to the joints and erecting column protection.
- The cast ironwork pieces are individually tagged before each arch is dismantled, then heading to the foundry to be repaired and restored.
- There is a new electrical connection being installed across Madeira Drive which will require some traffic management. Madeira Drive will remain open to all road users during this period.
Royal Crescent Step closures
It may be necessary to close the steps towards the end of the month. If the steps will be closed, site notices will be posted two weeks ahead of the closure.
There are currently no plans to close any additional spaces this month. If this changes, notices will be put up on site.
Next three months
- Break out the deck
- Foundry begin cast iron restoration
- Install new electric supply
- Start rear wall concrete repairs
- Borehole investigation to be concluded
We hope that the first phase of restored arches could be open to the public in 2026.
You can read about the latest progress update for residents on our engagement and consultation page.