Own admission authority schools
Please contact the School Governors for details of which category your child was considered under and how their places were allocated.
The schools below were able to offer places to all on-time applicants. Children who have not been offered a place at one of these schools were offered a higher preference.
Aldrington CE Primary - 60 places
City Academy Whitehawk - 60 places
St Bartholomew's CE Primary - 30 places
St Bernadette’s Catholic Primary - 30 places
St John the Baptist Catholic Primary - 30 places
St Joseph's Catholic Primary - 30 places
St Margaret’s CE Primary - 30 places
St Mark's CE Primary - 30 places
St Martin’s CE Primary - 30 places
St Mary Magdalen Catholic Primary - 30 places
St Mary’s Catholic Primary - 30 places
St Nicolas’ CE Primary - 60 places
St Paul’s CE Primary - 30 places
These schools do not necessarily have places remaining. Children who were not offered any of their preferences may have been offered places at these schools. Some places have also been offered to late applicants.