Personal licence to sell alcohol
You must be a personal licence holder to be the designated premises supervisor on a premises licence to authorise the sale of alcohol (unless covered by a temporary event notice).
This page has information about how to apply for a personal licence and for current personal licence holders.
How to apply for a personal licence
To apply for a personal licence you must have:
- an accredited qualification
- an up to date criminal record check
- completed application form and fee
- disclosure of convictions and civil immigration penalties and declaration form
- 2 passport photos - signed on the back by a recognised professional
- proof of right to work in the United Kingdom or a share code issued by the Home Office online right-to-work checking service - for more information see note 2 on the personal licence application form on the GOV.UK website
Send your completed application to:
Licensing and Gambling
Brighton & Hove City Council
Bartholomew Square
Application form and privacy notice
Personal licence application form.
Personal licence application privacy notice.
The application fee is £37.
After we receive your application, we'll contact you to take payment either by credit or debit card.
We're unable to accept cash.
You must have an accredited personal licence qualification and send proof of this with the application.
Get a list of accredited personal licence qualification providers from GOV.UK.
Criminal record checks
Applications must be accompanied by a criminal record check. The check must be issued no more than one calendar month before the application date.
Basic Disclosure check – You can apply through the Disclosure and Barring Service on GOV.UK.
If you need phone or face-to-face support to apply online you can:
- phone the DBS helpline on 03000 200 190
- send an email to
Change the details or get a copy of your current personal licence
Fee for making a change or duplicate
The fee to make a change to an existing licence, or get a copy is £10.50
After we receive your application, we'll contact you to take payment either by credit or debit card.
We're unable to accept cash.
Change details on an existing licence
- download an application to change name or address on personal licence
- submit an application to change name or address on personal licence online
Replacement for lost licence
If you need a replacement for a lost licence you should write to the Licensing Team and advise of your details and duplication needed.
Licensing and Gambling
Brighton & Hove City Council
Bartholomew Square
Licensing change of details privacy notice.
Personal licence renewals
As of 1 April 2015 you do not need to renew personal licences.
Check for more information on alcohol licensing on GOV.UK.