Make a change to a premises licence
How to make any changes to an existing premises licence.
If you have a premises licence but need make changes to it you need to let us know.
If you have just acquired a licensed business you will need to:
- transfer the premises licence to become the premises licence holder
- apply for a designated premises supervisor (to authorise the alcohol sales on a day to day basis)
- if you wish to extend hours, make changes to the plans, or change the premises or licensable activities, you will need to apply for a variation to the premises licence
The premises licence holder is responsible for the premises licence and making sure all staff meet the premises licence authorisations and conditions (these are legal requirements and failure to do so can result in a fine or imprisonment). The premises licence holder must also make sure that the premises promotes the 4 licensing objectives:
- prevention of crime and disorder
- public safety
- prevention of public nuisance
- protection of children from harm
Licensing change of details privacy notice.
Transferring the premises licence
You will need to complete a premises licence transfer application
- submit a premises licence transfer application online
- download a paper premises licence transfer application
- the current licence holder will need to complete a consent transfer of a premises licence
The cost is £23 made payable to Brighton & Hove City Council.
There is a 14 day consultation process where Sussex Police can make any comments on the application.
Once the consultation is complete, a new licence with all the details will be sent to you.
Premises transfer application privacy notice.
Premises transfer consent privacy notice.
Apply for a change of name or address to your premises licence
Go to GOV.UK to apply for a change of name and/or address to your premises licence.
This includes:
- the trading name of the premises
- change of name or registered address of the Premises Licence Holder
Designated premises supervisors
A designated premises supervisor (DPS) is the person who has day-to-day responsibility for the running of the business.
All businesses and organisations selling or supplying alcohol, except members clubs and certain community premises, must have a designated premises supervisor.
Whoever holds this role must be named in the operating schedule, which you will need to complete as part of the application process, when you apply for a premises licence.
- submit a change of designated premises supervisor application online
- download a paper application to change a designated premises supervisor
- The new designated premises supervisor will need to complete a consent form
Designated premises supervisor variation form privacy notice.
Designated premises supervisor consent form privacy notice.
Changing your licence or club certificate
If you want to change any aspect of your licence or club certificate once it has been granted, you will need to apply to us for either a full or a minor variation.
Contact us for advice on which process is more suitable for the change you want to make. Phone 01273 294 429, or send an email to
Full variations
The full variation process is very similar to the application process for a new premises licence. You should use this process if you want to make a substantial change to your licence, like increasing the hours when you sell alcohol. The fee payable for the application is based on your business rateable value.
- submit an online application for a full variation of a premises licence
- download a paper application for a full variation of a premises licence
- submit an online application for a full variation of a club certificate
- download a paper application for a full variation of a club certificate
Read our premises full variation privacy notice for information on how we collect, store and process your data.
Consulting on your application
There has to be a 28 day public consultation period for anyone to make a representation.
You have to:
- send a copy of your application to all regulatory authorities
- put a notice on your premises within 24 hours for the consultation period explaining your application
- publish an advertisement notice within 10 working days in the local press
People and authorities may contact us to make representations about the application. These are statements supporting or opposing the application, and inform the decision we make.
Minor variations
If you want to make a small, low-risk change to your premises licence, you may be able to use the minor variation process. This is cheaper and quicker than the full variation application.
Small changes could include:
- removing a licensable activity
- reducing the hours you sell alcohol
- making small changes to the layout of your premises
If you apply for a minor variation and your application is rejected, you will not be able to appeal. You can reapply using the full variation process.