Gambling guidance - GA2005
Further guidance
The Gambling Commission has also produced some Information booklets/factsheets on the following topics:
- Gambling Commission factsheet 1 [PDF 700kb] - for racetracks and greyhound stadia, bingo halls, casinos, arcades and premises with prize gaming permits
- Gambling Commission factsheet 2 [PDF 699kb] - for takeaways, taxi offices, guesthouses, other non-arcade and unlicensed premises
- Adult gaming centres [PDF 68kb]
- Family entertainment centres [PDF 66kb]
- Gaming machines [PDF 68kb]
- Betting [PDF 62kb]
- Pool betting [PDF 64kb]
- Lotteries [PDF 59kb]
- Bingo [PDF 61kb]
- Casinos [PDF 58kb]
- Personal licences [PDF 60kb]
- Small businesses [PDF 62kb]
The Licensing Authority has produced a gambling policy 2013 [PDF 179kb]. This came into force in January 2013.
The Department for Culture, Media and Sport have published some guidance leaflets for arcades [PDF 155kb] and for betting premises [PDF 152kb]
Premises licences for gambling will be in addition to other licensing regimes (e.g. alcohol & regulated entertainment). Visit our licence application forms page to download licence application forms and guidance notes.
If you have any questions please contact: 01273 294 429.