When you need a dog breeding licence
If you breed dogs at home or on a commercial property, you need a licence from us.
You need a licence if you:
- breed 3 or more litters of puppies per year, unless you can show that none of the puppies were sold
- breed puppies and advertise a business that sells them, regardless of how many
Once you've applied for a licence, we'll contact you to arrange a visit. We may also need to get a report from a veterinary surgeon or practitioner.
When you receive your licence, we'll tell you the rules you must follow and the records you must keep.
Find more information in the government's guidance on animal activities.
Licence costs
Find out how much your animal business licence will cost.
Apply for a licence
To apply for a dog breeding licence, download and complete the dog breeding licence application form and send it to: Animal Wardens, Brighton & Hove City Council, 2nd floor, Bartholomew House, Bartholomew Square, Brighton, BN1 1JP.
You also need to download and complete the animal activity licensing privacy notice, and send it to us with your application form.
More information
For more information contact the Animal Warden team.