Sustainable procurement
Our approach to sustainable procurement to ensure that social, environmental, ethical and economic sustainability are included in all the councils purchasing decisions.
The council's approach to sustainable procurement is set out by the:
Together these ensure that social, environmental, ethical and economic sustainability are included in all the council's purchasing decisions.
Our suppliers are key to delivering the policy and we encourage them to help us deliver continuous improvement on our sustainability commitments. See our making sustainable purchasing decisions page for more information.
Banning of single use plastics
The Brighton & Hove City Council Procurement Team encourage its suppliers to be more responsible regarding ‘single use plastics’ following a Notice of Motion carried unanimously at Council on 2 November 2017 which requested Brighton & Hove City Council to consider a ban on the purchase of ‘single use plastics’ in all its buildings and agencies. Further information can be read on page 353, Item 42(b).
End of Unpaid Trial Shifts
The Brighton & Hove City Council Procurement Team require its suppliers to support the local campaign Say No to Unpaid Trial Shifts following a Notice of Motion (Item 23.2) passed at Full Council on 19 July 2018 which agreed that the city council would look at how it could end the practice of unpaid trial shifts. It requested that information should be gathered to help understand the scale and nature of unpaid trial shifts. To help businesses end unpaid trial shifts, the local campaign has created a handy guide to help businesses end unpaid trial shifts. Download the guide.
Commitment to the Living Wage
Service contracts tendered by the Procurement Team include a real Living Wage requirement whereby the Supplier is required to pay its employees the real Living Wage during the contract. Brighton & Hove City Council is accredited as a Living Wage employer.
More information
Whether you already supply the council or want to in the future you should be aware of the council's approach to sustainable procurement and what we expect of our suppliers. The following links will help you to understand and operate in line with these commitments.
- Orbis Environmentally Sustainable Procurement Policy
- Minimum sustainability standards page
- Brighton & Hove City Council Good Food Standards
- Making sustainable purchasing decisions page
The Timber and wood procurement pages cover the supply of timber and wood derived products to the council.
The Sustainability pages provide practical advice on reducing environmental impacts
- The Steps to Environmental Management (STEM) programme is a step-by-step approach to implementing an Environmental Management System
- See our Guide for Writing an Environmental Policy (PDF 38KB)