Business rates information
We keep and publish business rates information for all businesses in the city, as part of our publication scheme under the Freedom of Information Act.
We're not allowed to show contact details for businesses, which may include personal information.
You can download our recent business rates information for businesses in the city.
Accounts in credit
Your business rates account may be in credit because of:
- a change to the rateable value of your business property
- a business rates overpayment
- changes to the start or end dates of an account
We'll send you a credit bill notice if you pay business rates, and credit appears on your account.
You can download the recent accounts in credit list.
Unclaimed credits
Organisations shown on our credit lists include:
- limited companies
- unlimited companies
- public limited companies
- government departments
- local authorities
- other public organisations
No personal information is shown on our credit lists and daily updates to accounts may affect accuracy.
We update the list of unclaimed business rate credits every month.
Credit balances are not written back onto the business rates account.