Given the purchasing power and material footprint of local government, councils must look inward to improve the circularity of their own projects and services to influence the development of, and lead the way to, a sustainable, circular economy in the sector.
At Brighton & Hove City Council, we will act to:
- extend the lifetime of council assets
- reduce consumption of primary materials
- design out waste
- increase demand for circular economy products and services
Procuring for a Circular City
As a procurer of services, cities catalyse the introduction of circular economy goods and services including leasing of façades and materials.
We will introduce the following actions to deliver a circular economy for the city.
15. Review and update the Sustainable Procurement Policy with Orbis partner authorities and incorporate circular economy principles in line with Brighton & Hove City Council's Circular Economy Route Map
16. Create a tool to support officers when developing environmental sustainability specifications to include circular economy considerations
17. Create a specification writing masterclass to include circular economy principles for commissioners and buyers
18. Identify a means to monitor circular economy spend
19. Aim for 25% of all priority area, internal and external council spend to be on circular products and services, with at least 50% supplied by local companies
20. Aim for 50% of all priority area, internal and external council spend to be on circular products and services, with at least 55% supplied by local companies
21. Aim for 75% of all priority area, internal and external council spend to be on circular products and services, with at least 60% supplied by local companies
Utilise the full value of food waste
To utilise the full value of food waste beyond energy production, the council will be investing in a new food waste collection service.
We will introduce the following actions to deliver a circular city.
22. Develop a full feasibility study and business case exploring 2 options for the future delivery of refuse and recycling services, which includes a new food waste collection service
23. Consult on the future delivery of refuse and recycling services with residents, trade unions and staff before presenting back to a future committee for a decision
Circular construction and maintenance
As a constructor of buildings and roads, the public sector can specify circular materials, designs and methods of construction and maintenance for new and existing developments.
We will introduce the following actions to deliver a circular city.
Buildings - 2022
24. Pilot reclamation audits and deconstruction of existing buildings for new build housing projects, using reclaimed materials on site wherever possible
25. Separate construction waste streams from housing maintenance projects at the council’s Housing Centre
26. From 2022 undertake a circular economy opportunities assessment and evaluation of all new-build housing construction projects
27. Set outcomes for all new-build housing projects using the RIBA Climate Challenge 2030 Targets and Checklist (subject to Housing Committee agreement in September 2022)
28. From 2022 undertake a whole life carbon assessment process on all new-build housing projects
Buildings - 2023
29. Undertake research and feasibility for implementing 'materials passports' on new building housing construction projects and develop a strategy for implementation
Buildings - 2025
30. Specify in project briefs at least 50% of all materials used in a new development are recoverable at the end of life of the building on all new build housing projects
Buildings - 2030
31. Specify in project briefs at least 60% of all materials used in a new development are recoverable at the end of life of the building on all new build housing projects
Roads and the public highway
We will introduce the following actions to deliver a circular city.
Ongoing actions
32. Continue investigating and piloting the use of recycled materials in planned highways maintenance and construction
33. Continue investigating and piloting the latest innovations in pothole prevention and repair driven through new contract
34. Develop a programme of surface extension treatments, removing one surfacing cycle over the whole life design of roads
35. Explore leasing highways assets for use in temporary locations
36. Review the UKGBC 'Circular economy guidance for construction clients' for the purpose of designing out waste and material consumption through the council’s specification of highways construction projects
37. Explore options and propose a KPI for monitoring performance on the 'right first time' principle across all highways projects with the aim of reducing their material and carbon intensity
38. Explore the potential of commissioning a street furniture maintenance review for the purpose of identifying whole life cycle material, carbon and cost-saving interventions
39. Review the existing asset management plan to reduce the environmental impact of highways maintenance and construction
40. By 2024 develop and begin delivery of a sustainable drainage plan to:
- protect highways and properties from surface water flooding and extreme weather events
- protect the chalk aquifer
- provide natural habitat for local species
41. Investigate primary and secondary material consumption data captured through the provider’s carbon accounting system required in the new highways contract model