A grace period of 21 days is in place for all parking permit holders. This means you can display your parking permit for 21 days after the expiry date printed on it. As long as you've submitted your renewal application and you're parked according to the conditions of your current parking permit, you will not receive a fine.
The climate assembly brought together a representative group of the Brighton & Hove population to explore how we combat climate change over the next decade.
It was designed and facilitated by Ipsos MORI, which is independent of us. They're experienced in delivering deliberative engagement processes like citizens' assemblies.
When it took place
We held the climate assembly in the autumn of 2020. Following advice from the UK government in managing Coronavirus (COVID-19) and to protect the health and wellbeing of all the participants, we decided to hold the climate assembly online.
The climate assembly took place over 5 sessions.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to shaping the climate assembly and for your support during this difficult time.
How it worked
Brighton & Hove’s climate assembly brought together a randomly selected group of people to:
learn about climate issues and discuss them
make recommendations about what should happen and how things should change
Around 50 residents took part. They were selected at random to be members of the climate assembly.
The Sortition Foundation carried out the recruitment process. This organisation has expertise in ensuring that a cross-section of the population is represented in citizen assemblies.
What it was about
The climate assembly looked at transport as it is one of the city’s biggest sources of carbon emissions. The sessions focussed on the question: How can we step up actions to reduce transport-related emissions in the city?
Over the 5 sessions, the climate assembly members heard evidence, deliberated and developed recommendations for actions the council and wider city can take to become carbon neutral by 2030.
Sessions included presentations and workshops.
The residents at the assembly:
had the opportunity to hear from engaging expert speakers
discussed the issues involved with facilitators, who made sure everyone had their voices heard
The first session:
provided an introduction to transport in the city
discussed how we're proposing to reduce carbon emissions by 2030
It asked participants about the biggest climate change challenges for them.
Climate Assembly Advisory Board
An independent advisory board of 15 volunteer experts and activists supported the climate assembly.
Together with the council, they ensured a diverse selection of speakers presented information to the assembly. These included policy experts, campaigners and local stakeholders.
The council made the final decision based on the advisory board's suggestions and recommendations.
Youth climate assembly
Young people in the city set up a youth climate assembly to mirror the main climate assembly on transport. This included:
people aged 13 to 19
people aged up to 25 with SEND (special educational needs and disabilities)