Read or download our Adult Learning Disability Strategy



Co-producing the Strategy

What Adults with Learning Disabilities tell us

What families and advocates for adults with learning disabilities tell us

Feedback from Black, Asian, and other ethnically and culturally diverse backgrounds engagement

Local Context

Profile of needs

The Big Plan’s Six Priorities

Priority 1: Relationships, Friendship and Feeling Safe (RFF)

Priority 2: Health and Wellbeing (HW)

Priority 3: Activities, Work & Learning (AWL)

Priority 4: Housing and Support (HS)

Priority 5: Transitions (T)

Priority 6: Information and Advice (IA)

Appendix 1: Governance – How we will ensure the Strategy is delivered

Appendix 3: Learning Disability Partnership Board Membership

Appendix 4: SEND Partnership Board Members

Appendix 5: Funding and Risk Assessment

Appendix 6: Covid-19