Register a stillbirth
Book an appointment to register a stillbirth, funeral arrangements and support resources.
A stillbirth should usually be registered at a register office within 42 days. The midwife or support team at the hospital where the stillbirth occurred will explain to you what you need to do to register and who you need to contact. They may also contact us to make your appointment with the register office if you would prefer not to contact us yourself.
A baby is considered to be stillborn if they’re born after the 24th week of pregnancy, showing no signs of life after birth. If your baby was born before the 24th week of pregnancy, they can't be registered but your hospital may provide a certificate of birth.
Who can register a stillbirth
• mother
• father - if married or in a civil partnership to the mother
• mother and father - (if they are not married or in a civil partnership with each other)
Where to register
The stillbirth must be registered at the local register office in the registration district where the baby was born. For Brighton & Hove, this is Brighton Town Hall.
Your midwife may book an appointment for you or you can phone us on 01273 292 016.
We will meet you at the register office and take you to a private meeting room for your appointment.
Register Office, Brighton Town Hall, Bartholomews, Brighton, BN1 1JA
If your baby was born outside Brighton & Hove
Your baby will need to be registered at the local register office where the baby was born.
Find a register office in England or Wales
If you cannot register the birth in the area where the baby was born, you can go to another register office and they will send your details to the correct office.
What we'll ask you at the appointment
At the registration appointment, we will ask you:
- baby’s place and date of stillbirth
- baby’s names, if you want to name the child
- baby’s sex
- parents’ names and any previous names
- parents’ addresses
- parents’ places and dates of birth
- parents’ jobs
- date of parents’ marriage or civil partnership, if any
You don’t have to enter a name for your baby in the register. However, if you choose not to add a name at your appointment, you won’t be able to add a name later.
What documents we’ll give you
- a certificate of registration
- a form to take to the funeral director
- a full copy of the stillbirth certificate
please contact the register office for any further advice.
Stillbirth support resources
Your local hospital can help you with funeral arrangements. When you are ready to start planning your baby’s funeral, your midwife can offer you advice.
- Tommy’s and SANDS offer information and support
- GOV.UK has information about financial support and taking time off work
- You can register on the Baby Mailing Preference Service to stop getting direct mail from companies selling baby related items