Ceremony cancellation and amendments policy
See the terms and conditions of our cancellation policy.
How to cancel your ceremony
This applies to all ceremonies:
- marriages
- civil partnerships
- conversion
- renewal of vows
- naming
- commitment
If you would like to cancel or postpone your ceremony, the following conditions apply:
- ceremonies taking place at Brighton Town Hall or an approved venue - if 4 weeks notice is given, your fee will be refunded minus the administration fee
- ceremonies taking place in the register office - the fee is non-refundable
- ceremonies taking place at religious venues - the fee is non-refundable
You will not be entitled to a refund if you don't let the register office know of the cancellation or you fail to attend the ceremony.
The fee is non-refundable if you give us less than 4 weeks notice.
How to amend your ceremony
This applies to all ceremonies:
- marriages
- civil partnerships
- conversion
- renewal of vows
- naming
- commitment
You will be charged £60 for each alteration if you want to reschedule or postpone your ceremony with 4 weeks notice.
How to cancel or amend your appointment
This applies to:
- notice of marriage
- notice of civil partnership
- conversion appointments
If you would like to cancel, reschedule or postpone your appointment, no refund is given:
- if less than 5 working days notice of cancellation is received
- for failure to attend the appointment
- if the wrong documents are produced, we will reschedule your appointment and charge the full amount again
To cancel a ceremony or appointment, send an email to ceremonies@brighton-hove.gov.uk.