Maps unavailable
Due to system improvements, some maps will be unavailable from 6pm to 8pm on Thursday 10 October. We apologise for any inconvenience.
If you fail an inspection you'll receive a notice, you have 28 days to put things right or we could end your tenancy.
If you fail an inspection, you’ll receive a notice in the post. It will explain which rules have been broken, and when your plot will be re-inspected.
Find out about other notices.
You’ll have 28 days after the date on your letter before your plot is re-inspected. If your letter was issued on a Friday, you'll have 31 days.
It’s very important that you act immediately. If you fail the re-inspection, we could end your tenancy.
If you don't know why you’ve received a notice, have a medical condition or other circumstance which means you need more time to act on your notice, please speak to your site representative or the Allotments Service.
You might receive a ‘getting there’ letter during re-inspection for a cultivation, tree or weed notice. This means the inspecting officer can see a significant amount of work has been done, but there is still some more work to do.
You’ll have another month before a further re-inspection. If you fail this, we will end your tenancy.
We'll inform you by letter if we plan to end your tenancy.
You’ll have 28 days to clear your plot of any materials or crops that you want to keep. After this period we will clear your plot and re-let it. You’ll no longer have the right to enter the plot.
Please keep us informed of your current address. Inspection and termination processes will still stand if paperwork goes to an old address.
If you’re unsure why we ended your tenancy, speak to your site representative or the Allotments Service. Alternatively, read our corporate complaints procedure.