Support with your mental health and wellbeing
What you can do to improve your mental health and wellbeing, and where to get help.
What wellbeing and mental health is
Our mental health is as important as our physical health. It strongly affects how we think feel and act in our daily lives. This includes our ability do the things we need and want to in order to live as fully and independently as possible, including our relationships, study, work and looking after ourselves and others.
Mental health problems, such as low mood or bad nerves, can affect any one of us at any time. Our feelings might become difficult to cope with or control, which can be just as bad as physical illness, or even worse.
What you can do for your wellbeing
There are many different physical and mental activities you can try to improve your wellbeing. Take the NHS Every Mind Matters quiz and answer 5 quick questions to get a tailored mental health and wellbeing plan.
The 5 ways to mental wellbeing leaflet has suggestions of activities that you can do in your everyday life to improve your mental wellbeing. For example, physical activity can greatly improve your mood, so if you want to be more active, find free and low cost activities supported by Brighton & Hove City Council.
Feeling stressed, anxious, low or experiencing panic attacks
The following are services that you can either contact directly or be referred by a GP.
If you need help to express your feelings, find out how an advocate could help you.
NHS Talking Therapies for anxiety and depression
If you live in Sussex, are over 18 and are struggling with common mental health problems such as:
- feelings of depression
- excessive worry
- social anxiety
- post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
You can refer yourself to your NHS Talking Therapies Brighton & Hove.
Services are free, confidential and provide a wide range of support, including courses, online programmes and one-to-one sessions. They aim to help you understand your symptoms and take practical steps to improve your mental health.
NHS Talking Therapies is unable to provide urgent mental health help or support to people experiencing more severe difficulties with their mental health. Instead, please see a GP who can refer you to the appropriate service.
Mental health support at your GP surgery
If you have a diagnosed mental illness or are having difficulties with your mental health and would like coping strategies to help, you can get support with your mental health from the Emotional Wellbeing Service, or similar service, at most GP surgeries. These services can provide you with information, advice, guidance and support.
Contact your GP surgery to find out what mental health support is available.
Social Prescribing service at your GP surgery
Social Prescribers can connect you to support, services and activities to help address the challenges and issues you may be struggling with. Ask your GP or GP surgery if they have a Social Prescribing service. Waiting times differ between GP surgeries.
Significant changes in your mental health
You should call NHS 111 or visit NHS 111 online for advice if you, or the person you are concerned about, experience a significant change in your mental health and are not already receiving care from mental health services. This might include:
- Hearing or seeing things that are not experienced by other people, for example hearing voices
- Having strong beliefs that are not shared by others, for example believing there is a conspiracy against you
- Having excessive energy or movements, or sleeping very little
- Behaving in a bizarre and out of character way
- Changes in behaviour like wanting to avoid people or lacking basic self-care
Whilst these can be normal experiences, they can also be signs of something more serious.
Worried about money, housing or another issue that is affecting your mental health
There are lots of ways you can get practical help with issues that may be affecting your mental health.
For advice and support with;
Where to find advice and information about local mental health support
If you are not sure what support you need or would like? There are several community-based groups that can support you with your mental health, whether you have a diagnosed mental illness or need short-term help or advice about your mental health. Find out what’s available in your area.
UOK Brighton
Find out about the free support available to adults by contacting UOK.
The Carers Centre
If you are a carer for someone with a mental health difficulty, you can contact The Carers Centre.
Mental health and wellbeing support for children and young people
If you are aged 4-17 years old and experiencing difficulties with your mental health and wellbeing, you can access the Brighton & Hove Children and Young People Wellbeing Service, provided by YMCA DownsLink Group.