About financial assessments
If you’re moving into a care home, the value of your property is usually taken into account in the financial assessment.
If you’re not already living in a care home, the value of your property is not counted in the financial assessment for the first 12 weeks from the day you move in. This is called a 12 week property disregard.
During this period we might be able to help you pay the care home fees.
At the end of the 12 week property disregard period, the value of your property is counted in the financial assessment. You’ll then have to pay the full cost of the care home fees. You’ll need to make your own arrangements to pay the care home.
Selling your property to pay for your care home fees
If you've been living in a care home for more than 12 weeks, and you don't want to sell your property, you can ask for a loan from us to pay the home care fees. This is called a deferred payment agreement.
Find out more about deferred payments and how to apply.
Before deciding how you'll pay for your care, get independent financial advice, and read the charging policy for care services.
More information
If you have a long-term complex health need, you could get free social care arranged by the NHS. This is known as NHS continuing healthcare.
Find out about paying for care and support at home.
Find out about paying for residential and nursing home care.