About direct payments
If you can get help from Adult Social Care, you can get your personal budget through a direct payment.
You can then arrange your own care and support, or ask for us to arrange it for you.
Find out how to get a personal budget, or if you can get help from Adult Social Care.
What you can spend direct payments on
You can use your direct payment to pay for the care and support described in your support plan.
The type of support you could pay for with your direct payments include:
- employing a personal assistant
- arranging support at home with an agency
If you've had an assessment, and can get equipment from us to help with your daily living, you could request a one-off Direct Payment.
To request a one-off Direct Payment send an email to accesspoint@brighton-hove.gov.uk, or phone 01273 29 55 55.
What you can’t spend direct payments on
You can’t use direct payments to:
- buy items provided by the NHS, like continence pads
- fund services provided by the NHS, like physiotherapy
- pay close family members to provide support, unless you have had an assessment that identified exceptional circumstances
How you'll receive your direct payment
We’ll give you a prepaid card bank account, and put your direct payment amount onto the card every 4 weeks. If you have to pay towards the cost of your care, you must also pay that amount into the prepaid card account. If you don't pay your contribution into that account you'll not have enough money to pay for your care and support.
You can then use your card to pay for your care and support through internet or telephone banking. We’ll check what you pay for from this account.
When we review your support plan, we also review your direct payments. We check they’re working for you, and make sure you’ve spent the money on the support services you need.
You can choose someone to look after your prepaid card account for you. If you don’t have someone that can do this, you can have a supported bank account. This is when a separate organisation holds your money, and makes payments for you.
More information
For information about direct payments read the PeoplePlus direct payments information leaflet. They can help people who get care and support from us, but pay for it themselves.
Find out how to become an approved personal assistant.