How we decide if you can get help
You could get help from Adult Social Care if:
- you have a physical disability, mental health condition or illness
- your disability, health condition or illness stops you from doing normal daily tasks like washing, cooking and getting out and about
- your wellbeing is effected because you're unable to undertake daily tasks
We look at the impact your disability, condition or illness has on your daily life. We measure this by checking if you're unable to achieve certain tasks.
These tasks are listed in the Eligibility for Adult Social Care services leaflet.
If you think you need help from Adult Social Care, complete the online self assessment, or phone the Access Point on 01273 29 55 55.
If your first language isn’t English and you would like to ask for an interpreter, phone the Access Point on 01273 29 55 55.
If you need help to express your views and wishes, find out how an advocate could help.
How we assess you
Assessment is the way we find out what care and support you feel you need. We'll speak to you and any other people that support you. Depending on your circumstances, this could take place over the phone, via email or in person.
With your permission we’ll also speak to any professionals that help you, like your GP. We treat everybody in a fair way, and all information is confidential.
What happens next
After your assessment, if you can get help from us, we’ll put a support plan together with you.
We'll also offer you a financial assessment to see if you can get help towards the cost of your care.