Fair Cost of Care was first introduced to Home Care and Care Home providers in Spring 2022, at that stage it was an overview the aims and how it will be a factor in plans for the sector going forward.
The communication and engagement with providers is well established in Brighton & Hove, it was a supportive factor in response to COVID-19 challenges and we have maintained that relationship. Care Homes providers attend a regular forum with Local Authority Commissioning managers, key items such as Fair Cost of Care are presented with an opportunity for input and questions from Providers. Home Care providers are all invited to a fortnightly meeting, which brings together Local Authority Officers and providers for key issues and ongoing communication.
As the requirements for Fair Cost of Care developed and input from providers was made clearer, Brighton & Hove City Council arranged and delivered a series of engagement events. The events were supported by Local Government Association, Care England in partnership with Local Authority officers and the registered care association. The events were managed as a combination of briefings and opportunities for providers to ask questions and covered the providers in scope.
Details of briefings
Launch events
- 17 June – Dedicated event for Home Care Providers.
All Home Care providers for 18+ in Brighton & Hove were invited to a dedicated session on 17 June, which launched the Fair Cost of Care exercise. As well as lead Local Authority officers, support was provided by LGA rep and Care England. Slides were presented to explain the purpose of the exercise, benefits to the sector and process for providers to respond including timescales.
The event was well attended with over 75% of providers at the meeting, engagement was good and timescales were in line with experience from other Local Authorities.
There was a request from providers to extend the timescale of returns to Local Authority, which was agreed. Providers were given links to documents, how to guides and support available to them. A dedicated Council email address was created for questions and returned documents.
- 23 June – Dedicated event for Care Home Providers.
All Care Homes in scope of the Fair Cost of Care were invited to a dedicated session on 23rd June, launching the Fair Cost of Care exercise and the online tool used to gather the information. Slides were presented similar approach to the event for Home Care providers.
Care Homes were asked to complete information using an online tool, rather than return information back to Local Authority. As a result the support at the meeting included technical support from the online tool provider. The session was also supported by Care England and LGA representatives.
The event was attended by only 9 providers in the city, which allowed for a more detailed conversation with those in attendance. The low attendance highlighted the need for further communication and engagement
Brighton & Hove City Council continued engagement through regular Home Care and Care Home provider forums. Local Authority Officers invite all providers in the City and have open discussion sharing information, best practice and upcoming challenges. The forums presented a good opportunity to continue engagement, remind providers of the exercise and answer any questions. The Fair Cost of Care exercise was included in provider forums in June, July & August ahead of submission deadline.
As well as the engagement Brighton & Hove Council officers contacted each provider to encourage a response to the exercise and maximise the quality of the data collected. Providers were contacted as a group and individually via email, phone calls and meetings. The contact to providers started after the launch meetings explained above, reminding all providers of the aims, objectives, timescales and process of return. Around 40% of providers responded to communication, the majority of those responses explained the current operational pressures on their services and the challenges to participating in the exercise.
Given the low attendance and challenges faced by providers, the deadline for submission was extended twice to allow additional time and complete the exercise.