Inclusion provision
We welcome a range of professionals into the nursery to help us make the best provision for your children. These include:
- speech therapists
- staff from the Brighton & Hove Inclusion Support Service (BHISS)
- EMAS (Ethnic Minority Achievement Service)
- family support workers
- health visitors
- social workers
- family coaches
We have supported a wide range of children with addition needs and will work with families and other professionals to provide learning experiences that they can join in with. We work closely with schools during the transition time to so they have everything they need to be ready to meet then needs of all children.
Just Right
At Acorn we follow the Just Right system for emotional regulation. The programme is built round a scaling system, with four colour 'zones' to help children understand and communicate the emotions they are experiencing and how they can go about positively managing them. It helps them understand what makes them feel 'just right' and when they are feeling this - for example, when they are calm and alert and able to respond positively to whatever is happening in their environment.
Further information about the Just Right programme.
This system follows four colour zones which are:
- green is 'just right' - calm, alert and focused
- orange is 'fizzy' - bubbling, not calm, anxious, possibly hyper-alert
- blue is 'floppy or fidgety' - under-stimulated, tired, bored, not alert, possibly feeling ill
- red is 'crisis' - unable to cope, exhibiting challenging behaviours, wanting to run away, shutting down from the outside world.
At nursery, in the Sunshine room and Starlight room we are helping the children to recognize emotions with picture cards and modelling through play. In the Rainbow room, we are supporting the children to begin to self-recognise how they are feeling and talking through steps to help manage their emotional wellbeing. We will soon be sharing our co-regulation policy which will go along side this.